908 273 0484
What is Drop-in?
Drop-in is an as needed babysitting service provided at CPC Weekday Nursery School and
Who can attend Drop-In?
Any child ages 6 months - 3 years old. Class size is determined by ages attending for the day.
Drop-in will occur each Friday that CPC is in session from 9am - 11:30am starting January 2023.
Drop-in is $40 per session.
How do I register?
Children currently enrolled at CPC WNSK:
1. Complete the interest/registration form (provided via Google Forms)
2. Sign up as needed on the sign-up genius and submit payment (checks can be made out to CPC WNSK)
Children NOT currently enrolled at CPC WNSK:
1. Complete the interest/registration form (provided via Google Forms)
2. Provide completed required forms prior to registering for dates
3. Submit $30 registration fee (checks can be made out to CPC WNSK)
4. Sign up as needed on the sign-up genius and submit payment
Additional documents are required for enrollment and attendance:
(please complete, sign and scan/email to wnskoffice@gmail.com)
Signed Emergency Treatment Form
Universal Health Form (signed by Physician and parents)
Immunization Form (on provided form)
Walking/Photograph Permission Form
Food Allergy Action Plan (needed only for children with known allergies)
$30 Registration Fee for children not currently enrolled at CPC
Upon completion of the interest form and/or registration documents, you will receive access
to the sign up genius and procedures for drop-in days.
We are delighted to welcome you and your child to the Drop-In Program!